"Early one morning in the Painted Hills of Oregon, the mist was rising off the river into the red and gold hills. The coyotes were calling. I felt like I was in a place as mystical as Machu Picchu. As I was painting I had kind of a zen moment. I realized that I was living in the picture. The art was in me and I was in it. My paintings are from the coast to the high desert and rivers in between. They are the souvenirs I brought back to share with you." ~ Philip Hind

Souvenirs For You:
Shop"Happy are the painters, for they shall not be lonely. Light and color, peace and hope, will keep them company to the end or almost to the end, of the day."
~Winston Churchill
Sourvenirs ~ Original Art
"Early one morning in the Painted Hills of Oregon, the mist was...
Phil spent his adult years in the creation of a rich life. A tapestry of family, children, home & work. He was called to art but had the pressures of family life and was able to channel his natural creativity in the raising of children & supporting of a growing family. After a time of self-reflection & exploration of healing Phil remembered his call to paint & draw. He connected with that natural creativity again and has painted almost every day since.